You Can’t Do Anything That is Shamefully Wrong
By Leo Babauta I work with a lot of people on their difficulties, and one of the biggest ones people have is some variation of, “I am falling short of my expectations (or others’ expectations and I feel guilty, shameful, inadequate.” In fact, I would guess that most people feel that they’re letting themselves and others down a lot of the time. I told one of my clients, “I see a possibility for you where you feel that nothing you do is wrong, in a shameful way.” This is the possibility that I see for all of you as well — that you can’t do anything wrong. You might make mistakes or fail, but it can’t be wrong in a shameful way. What would that be like for you? You work hard, you fall short, and you don’t feel bad about it. You just keep trying your best. You keep failing, but see it as learning and growth. You keep deviating from your plan, but don’t feel that there’s anything wrong with you. All of it is peace, learning, curiosity, exploration. Nothing is wrong or bad. What would...