The Simplify Your Life Challenge
By Leo Babauta
Our lives naturally get busy, complicated, stressful, hectic, overwhelming. It’s the nature of things: we say yes to too much and overcommit ourselves; we fill in all the spaces with possessions, things to do, distractions; we give in to urges to do more, read more, watch more, buy more, want more.
So what can we do in the face of this overwhelming swarm of busyness?
We can simplify.
This month, I’m issuing a challenge to simplify your life — not the possessions and physical clutter, but the things you do and the clutter of your time and commitments.
I’m calling it the Simplify Your Life Challenge, and you can join my Sea Change Program to participate.
Here’s how the challenge works:
- Commit to the challenge in the #simple-challenge channel in our Sea Change community on Slack.
- Each week, there will be a different focus or mini-challenge to try to stick with.
- Check in each week on Monday in the #simple-challenge channel to stay accountable, review how you did, and adjust how you’re doing things so that you can overcome any obstacles.
Pretty simple!
So here are the focuses for each week:
- Week 1: Examine & reduce commitments. In this week, we’ll do an inventory of our work and personal commitments, and start to reduce them where possible, starting with the easy ones.
- Week 2: Simplify your routine. Create a simple morning routine, keeping yourself from overloading yourself, and leaving space in your day for not being busy.
- Week 3: Do one thing at a time. This week, you’ll focus on doing one thing at a time. And work on have one project or goal focus at a time.
- Week 4: Reduce screen time and distractions. In this week, you’ll experiment with ways to reduce your screen time so that you can have disconnected time, and go into focus mode without distractions more often.
Sound good? It will be amazing!
You can join Sea Change today (free for 7 days, then $15/month) to be a part of the challenge, and you’ll get:
- An article on each week’s focus.
- A live video webinar with me on the Power of One Thing.
- A challenge channel and Slack community to hold you accountable and support your progress.
- You can join a small team of about 4-7 people for even more support and accountability.
- There’s a huge library of content — video courses, articles, past video webinars and more!
You can join Sea Change today for immediate access to the challenge, Slack community and library of content.
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