Coming Back to Powerful Habits (plus 6 Powerful Habits)
By Leo Babauta I was talking with a client about how he felt constantly behind on his email, Slack and other messages and small tasks. I suggested having regular times to do those things: 15 minutes in the morning and evening each for email and Slack (for a total of 30 minutes, twice a day), for example. He laughed and said, “Leo, I’ve tried that a thousand times and it hasn’t stuck!” I totally get it. We’ve tried to form some powerful habits, and they work for a little bit, until they fall off. But we can always come back. In fact, coming back to a habit might be the most powerful habit of all. Coming back, over and over again, just like we return to the breath, over and over again, after letting our minds wander. It’s the nature of our minds to fall off habits. Sometimes it takes a dozen attempts before it really clicks. Sometimes more. Falling off the habit isn’t a problem — it’s just a part of the experience of shifting patterns. The problem is that we think we should never ...