Zen Habits Lessons: 10 Powerful Things I’ve Learned This Past Decade
By Leo Babauta It’s the end of the 2010s, and it’s been quite a decade for Zen Habits. I’ve grown the blog, discarded ads, simplified to a minimalist design, wrote & published numerous books and courses, formed two programs ( Sea Change and Fearless Training ), and grew my mission. Read more about my decade in review here . I thought I’d spend a little time reflecting on this decade and what I’d like to take away from it all. Reflect on the biggest lessons I’ve learned. I’m going to share them below, in condensed form. This isn’t everything I’ve learned, but some of the most important lessons. Things never go the way you think, but that’s a wonderful thing . This decade has unfolded in ways I would never, ever have predicted. I wouldn’t have guessed we’d be in San Diego right now, that we’d live in Davis, CA for four years, that my business would be where it is. I wouldn’t have guessed I would lose my father and father-in-law within two years of each other, or one of my best...