
Showing posts from March, 2019

How Healthy Is Your Business?

What’s the true state of your business? We’re convinced most leaders don’t have a good grasp on that question. But you can! In this episode, we conduct a live coaching call with Andy Bond , a business owner from Chattanooga, Tenn. Andy recently took our Business Health Assessment , and we walked through his results and gave some pointers on Vision, Focus, Team, and Self-Leadership. This was a blast! We had a great conversation and dug into some of the key areas where nearly every business needs to grow. By the way, you can take the Business Health Assessment for yourself right now. It’s free and only takes a few minutes. We guarantee you’ll gain greater clarity on the state of your business.

A Guide to Habit Resilience

By Leo Babauta I’ve coached thousands of people who want to change habits, in my Sea Change Program , and I’ve found there’s a key difference between those who actually make changes and those who don’t. That key difference is what I like to call “habit resilience.” Habit resilience is the ability to bounce back when things don’t go as you planned, to stay positive, to encourage yourself, to forgive yourself, to be loving and compassionate with yourself, to shake it off and start again afresh. To learn and grow from struggles. The opposite of habit resilience is getting discouraged when things don’t go as planned, beating yourself up, trying not to think about it when you mess up, ignoring problems, complaining, blaming others, deciding you can’t change, hardening your low or harsh opinion of yourself. Let’s look at one example: I want to change my eating habits, which is pretty tough to do … so I set myself a plan to eat oats for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and scrambled tofu w...

8-Year-old Homeless Immigrant Was Taught to Play Chess – Now Breaks Record as State Champion, Internet Sends Flood of Support (GNN Podcast)

This third grade homeless student has only learned to play chess since fleeing Africa as a refuge, but he is already breaking tournament records—and winning hearts and support on the internet. The post 8-Year-old Homeless Immigrant Was Taught to Play Chess – Now Breaks Record as State Champion, Internet Sends Flood of Support (GNN Podcast) appeared first on Good News Network .

Living With Nature: A Four-Course Meal of Natural Audio Wonders Recorded by the BBC

Throughout our daily lives, we probably don’t pay much attention to the sounds around us—the dripping of the coffee maker, the steady turnover of the car engine, the clicking of our colleagues’ keyboard strokes. But what is viscerally explained in Living With Nature, which is a 4-part series from a BBC World Service podcast called “The […] The post Living With Nature: A Four-Course Meal of Natural Audio Wonders Recorded by the BBC appeared first on Good News Network .

Stray Pup in Nepal Follows Mountain Climbers to The Top in Amazing Feat – May Be the World Record for a Dog (GNN Podcast)

A tenacious stray dog may have just set a world record for the highest elevation ever reached by a canine – and it also resulted in a loving new home. Hear our Good News Guru tell the inspiring story on the radio in Los Angeles—during the March 15, 2019 Ellen K. Morning Show on KOST-103.5. SEE Full Story with more pics at […] The post Stray Pup in Nepal Follows Mountain Climbers to The Top in Amazing Feat – May Be the World Record for a Dog (GNN Podcast) appeared first on Good News Network .

Rapid Learner is now open

Rapid Learner, my popular course teaching you how to learn anything better and faster, is now open for registration ( until Friday only ): Click here to check it out Rapid Learner teaches a 6-week program designed to build effective learning habits from the ground up. Here’s a brief sketch of what we’re going to teach, week-by-week: Project . Week one starts by teaching you how to construct a compelling learning project, to organize your classes, professional development or self-education. Productivity . How to combat procrastination, increase your energy and get more done without the frustration and stress. Practice . How to convert more of your studying time into the techniques research has shown are most effective for learning. Insight . Develop deep intuitions of hard ideas and learn tools for making sense of complexity. Memory . Exploit quirks in how your brain remembers things to store information more quickly. Mastery . How do you go from a basic understanding to ma...

The Deep Uncertainty of Meaningful Work

By Leo Babauta A man I know wanted to create a non-profit organization that was going to help give people a voice who don’t have that voice in our society. He felt really strongly about this issue, and knew that this would have a big impact on people who he cared deeply about. But he kept putting off starting. He was like a million others who want to do meaningful work: write a book, fight for those who are powerless, create a startup, code a phone app that could change lives, volunteer at a charity, launch a business that has a heart. We put off doing this work because of deep uncertainty. This man, like many of you, wasn’t sure if he could do it. He wasn’t sure how to go about doing it. He was worried that people would judge him, worried about what they might say. He didn’t know what path to take, was overwhelmed by how much there was to do, discouraged that he kept having to start over. These are just a small subset of the doubt, fear and uncertainty we all face when we think ...

Why Most Self-Education Efforts Fail

The Most Powerful Learning Tool (That Doesn’t Involve Studying)

A Simple Mindful Method to Deal with Tiredness, Loneliness & Stress

“I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always.” ~Byron Katie By Leo Babauta A loved one has been going through a hard time, dealing with tiredness, stress, and loneliness, and my heart goes out to them as it does anyone going through such struggles. They can break your heart, these difficult emotions. But beyond compassion, what I tried to help her with is a fairly simple method for dealing with these difficulties mindfully. I offer it to you all as well, as something to practice and test out. Here’s the method, to practice if you’re feeling stress, frustration, loneliness, sadness, tiredness: Notice that you’re feeling this difficult emotion, and notice how it feels in your body. Bring a sense of curiosity to the sensations, jus...

How to Learn a Language in Record Time

GBL102: How I Got More Motivation in My Life

In episode 101 I talked about the personal challenge I made to myself for the month of March to do ten pushups a day. I began this in order to get off my lazy butt and start doing something. In this episode I talk about my progress so far and also what good has come from it. Physically I feel a little bit stronger from only ten pushups a day, but more important changes have been happening. I found motivation to do more. I decided to challenge myself to start a new streak. It’s one that I have never done before. It will challenge me even more than doing ten pushups a day. Listen to this episode to hear what it is and how by starting something so simple has lead to doing something bigger. Join the free Get Busy Living group Are you on Facebook already? If so, join the Get Busy living community there. Click here to join right now . Subscribe to the Show To make sure you don’t miss a single episode of the podcast, subscribe with your favorite platform. iTunes  – Sticher ...

Answers to 10 Questions You’ve Been Dying to Ask Us

What’s the best way to recover from a whirlwind of a day? How do you get the leaders you manage to take more responsibility? What’s the right number of goals to set in one year? Michael and Megan answer these and more questions from our listeners.

Five Scientific Steps to Ace Your Next Exam

The Underestimated Importance of Encouragement in Habit Change

By Leo Babauta When we’re trying to change a habit — whether its exercise or meditation or writing or quitting smoking — there are two key factors whose power most people don’t understand. The two factors are encouragement and discouragement . Let me walk you through an example. Michael wants to change his diet, and so he creates a healthy meal plan for himself and commits to sticking to that plan for a month. Here’s are some typical key points within that month of habit change: He starts the first day, and has a healthy breakfast as planned. He feels encouraged by this good start! He has a healthy lunch too, and feels encouraged. But then eats a couple donuts that were in the office, and feels really discouraged. This might cause him to eat a burger with fries in the evening, which will get him further discouraged. He asks some family and friends to keep him accountable in a private Facebook group, and they agree. He feels encouraged! He starts again. When he eats a healthy b...

Simple Mistake in the Kitchen Turns into Sweet Smell of Success for a Homeless Veteran

Stefan DeArno is out of the homeless shelter thanks to his charm, kindness, and a fortunate accident made in a kitchen—meet the Reverend Cornbread Co. The post Simple Mistake in the Kitchen Turns into Sweet Smell of Success for a Homeless Veteran appeared first on Good News Network .

How to Know When to Give Up

The Real Way to Improve Your Reading Speed

How to Do Your Scariest Tasks of the Day, with Joy

By Leo Babauta In my Fearless Training Program , one of our members talked about how she gets a lot done during the day, but inevitably puts off her two scariest tasks, and doesn’t get them done. Does that sound familiar to you? Putting off the hardest tasks of the day is a common affliction for most of us. That wouldn’t necessarily be the worst thing, except that this often means the most important work doesn’t get done. The most meaningful work, our passion project or dream, keeps getting pushed back to another day. Our days are too precious for this. We treat them like an unlimited resource, but how many do we have left? None of us know. But we do know that it’s a limited number, and they are incredibly valuable. So how do we change this habit? We stop running from the fear and start moving towards it. We let it become our training ground. Let’s look at how to train. Creating a Sacred Training Container It’s important not to take this lightly. We have age-old habits of putti...

The Six Morning Routines that Will Make You Happier, Healthier and More Productive

My Must-Have Apps for Productivity

To be productive in a digital environment, you’ve got to have good digital tools. Michael Hyatt rates and reviews his top 10 tech tools to increase productivity.

How to Learn Chinese

The Year of Facing Fear

Leaders have big dreams, but sometimes even bigger fears. Stepping into a new challenge or chapter of life can feel intimidating and overwhelming. But you can conquer your most intimidating goals with five simple actions. Take them, and you’ll avoid being paralyzed by fear and missing your best opportunities. You’ll finally discover the freedom to say “Yes!” to your most exciting goals.

Do You Have Habits, or Just Commitments?

How to Improve Critical Thinking

The Two Most Powerful Ways to Create a Healthy Eating Pattern

By Leo Babauta While most people want to find a way to eat healthier, they are up against forces stronger than they understand. Sure, we’d like to eat healthier — but then why do we keep failing? Why are most of us getting heavier over time, despite our best efforts? To figure out a better method, we first have to look at the powerful forces we’re up against. Then firm our resolve, and try one or both of the powerful methods that I describe below. The Forces We’re Up Against Let’s say you’d like to eat a healthier diet … think about what you’re up against: You wake in the morning and are hungry and in a hurry — you know you want to cook something healthy with vegetables, or maybe some oats with fruits and nuts, but it’s too much work and takes too long. So you eat a quick bowl of cereal or grab a pastry at the coffee shop. You want to get a salad for lunch but there’s a party at work and there are a lot of unhealthy options right there in front of you, very tempting. Or perhap...

GBL101: How to Be More Committed in Your Life

Nothing will change in your life until you change what you do on a daily basis. In this episode, I want to help you be more consistent on a daily basis so you can change your life. Commitment is easy to talk about, but it’s harder to do. If you’ve had trouble starting and finishing then join me in doing a 30 day commitment challenge. I talk about the three steps to easily start and also advice to help you along the way. I would love to hear what you’re committed to doing. So leave a comment below or join the Facebook group where a bunch of us are doing the challenge. Get Busy Living Facebook Group Join the free Get Busy Living group Are you on Facebook already? If so, join the Get Busy living community there. Click here to join right now . Subscribe to the Show To make sure you don’t miss a single episode of the podcast, subscribe with your favorite platform. iTunes  – Sticher  – RSS Review the Podcast in iTunes If you enjoyed the show, please  rate and revie...

Stupid Advice: “You’ll Never Be Rich Working for Somebody Else”

How to Be More Ambitious

The Hidden Connection Between Habits and Learning

The March Healthy Eating Challenge

By Leo Babauta There are very few people among us who doesn’t want his or her diet to get healthier. So I’m issuing a challenge for March: the Healthy Eating Challenge ! This challenge is meant to be doable and promote small, gradual change … but also help push us a little out of our comfort zone so that we can have a powerful change within a month. It’s not going to change your entire diet all at once, but it can help you move to a healthier diet. Here’s how it works: Each week, pick one mini-challenge from the list of mini-challenges . See the list below. You pick one mini-challenge for the week that would be an easy, positive change for you. Don’t choose anything you won’t be able to stick to. Pick one to start today! Commit to doing that mini-challenge for the next week . I suggest you join us in my Sea Change Program , as we’re doing this challenge together and will hold each other accountable. We also have small teams you can join if you want greater accountability and...

Who Has Time for Hobbies?