Words as Self-Sabotage
3 Steps to Get Your Brain Back on Track You are often your own worst enemy. It starts with the words out of your mouth and the voices in your head. From telling yourself that you aren’t knowledgeable enough to take on a new challenge to the nagging doubts about important career moves, the negative words in your mind are obstacles to the success you want to achieve. A little self-doubt is normal because life is filled with uncertainty. The risks that you take to stretch yourself and succeed are real ones, accompanied by the possibility of failure. But when you speak ill to yourself, you are hurting your chances for success. It doesn’t have to be this way. There are three simple steps you can take right now to stop sabotaging yourself—and affirm your capacity for success. “ The words in your mind are obstacles to the success you want to achieve. —RISHAWN BIDDLE 1. Change the words in your mind Gospel singer Hezekiah Walker once sang, “I won’t harm you with...